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Official Channel #srb.max
Military unit Vojska Srbije
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Mole se igraci da se aktiviraju, server jos nije gotov. SRBIJA \o/
Serbia Org posted 7 years ago

Molimo da se aktivirate, Srbija je obrisana ali nije kraj servera jos, trebamo da vratimo neke dugove nasim dragim NEprijateljima.
Please be more active on chat and come for supp, we are wiped but we arent gone from game.
Serbia Org posted 7 years ago

Western Serbia se brani, napadnuta je da nas turci ne bi napali.
Nadam se da ce svi donirati 5g od medalje na org ili u trezor.
I hope everyone will donate 5g from medal on org or treasury.
Serbia Org posted 7 years ago

Prio 1 : Sumadija
Prio 2 : Vidin
Ajmo budjenje na chat po opremu...
Serbia Org posted 7 years ago

Prio 1 : Southeastern Iran ( Side : Iran )
Prio 2 : Burgas
Prio 3 : Vidin
Takodje, sve Indijske bitke.
All indian battles too
Serbia Org posted 7 years ago

Prio: Indian battles

Zamolio bih sve vas da se aktivirate na kanalu a takođe i na serveru uopšteno jer planiramo da vratimo Jermeniju i Tursku a kasnije i možda dalje

I would ask all of you to activate on the channel and also on the server in general because we are planning to return to Armenia and Turkey and later and maybe further
Serbia Org posted 7 years ago

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